Well this is the first entry in the blog so i though I'd give some background info. B&R rocketry consists of myself and a friend we mainly work on water rocket projects. Both of us are attending school right now, and work on out rockets in our spare time. We have been working together for about a year now and both have a fair amount of experience engineering and building things. The workshop currently has a wood and metal lathe, band saw, drill press, and various other tools.
Currently our project is a continuation from a 3-stage rocket that we flew in January (Video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnL4vQVgPJg&NR=1). The project was slightly ambitious and due to low pressure and to much weight the second stage became unstable and the sustainer was released almost horizontally. Anyways we have decided to scale the rocket back and remove the second stage, as we feel that it is adding alot of weight and no extra performance.
Today we set up for launch and were ready to launch, however we had technical difficulties with the 555 timer that ignites the charge to deploy the chute and decided to postpone the launch. The timer was tested the night before and all was working well, however it would not work today at the launch. We are working on it and hope to try to attempt to launch again this week.
One good think about today launch is that we were able to find an awesome launch site which we will have access to for future launches. Heres a picture of the site with most of the rocket on the launch rod.

Anyways that's all for now.